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The Blue Flower

Literature, Nature, Transcendence

Welcome to The Blue Flower!  The Blue Flower is a passion project of contemplative writing, an inspirational blog where I reflect on and synthesize observations, ideas, and experiences that heighten awareness, quicken the imagination, and fuel spiritual curiosity. The blue flower is a literary symbol, originating with German Romanticism, that represents a longing for beauty and the transcendent. You can learn more about the significance of the blue flower as a symbol in my "About" section.

You also can follow The Blue Flower on Twitter and Instagram and join our group on Facebook using the social media icons in the menu.  I am seeking guest submissions of poetry, photography, art, and essays. I’d love to hear from you!  Please reach out!

Home: Welcome

The Velveteen Woman

Dear Blue Flower Readers, Thank you for being my faithful readers. The time you have given to reading my posts and to commenting and...

Creating Slack

*This is the second in a two-part series on Being Intentional with our Time. "In my attempts to promote the comfort of my family, the...

Do the Thing

“You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to...


“Our whole trouble in our lot in this world rises from the disagreement of our mind therewith. Let the mind be brought to the lot, and...

A Wilderness of Sweets

“Our garden is now a wilderness of sweets. The violets, sweet briar, and primroses perfume the air, and the thrushes are full of melody...

The Quickening

“There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of...

For My Daughters

*This the second in a two-part series on mothers and mothering. While most of my writing lately is prose, I also enjoy writing poetry. I...

The Jafra Queen

*The is the first in a two-part series in honor of Mother's Day. My mother was a Jafra Queen Bee. If you were alive and used cosmetics...

Nature's Secret

“Adopt the pace of nature. Her secret is patience.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson No one likes to wait. I have had a lot of experience with...

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